Sitemap - 2021 - Contents and Containers
Top Ten Most Read Posts In 2021
If no one is unhappy, you aren’t leading
Mary births a revolution into the world
Moving the mountain of white supremacy
Want to have a postracial society? Start with whiteness.
Jesus changes how everything is ordered, especially the family
Taylor Swift finds joy through her suffering
If you don’t swim against the tide of racism, it will sweep you up
Don’t make Driscoll or Trump the scapegoats for Evangelicalism
Whiteness polarizes us, not politics
How I lost my respect for Dave Chappelle
Relationships are fundamental to faith, oppression ruins them
Social media is good, actually.
Sex is mysterious and the containers we give it help us understand it
Don’t wait until it’s too late to confront racism
How losing your faith may help you keep it
Christians need to name that this economy isn’t working for workers
How deconstruction saved my faith
How individualism blinds us from our complicity in collective sin
The failure in Afghanistan is how the next generation can become peacemakers
The only way to be antiracist is to believe victims of racism
Antiracism is about people of color being seen, known, and loved
Why we need more than personal relationships to make change
Why every Christian should get vaccinated (if they can)
Why it’s a good thing for the church that people are leaving white Evangelicalism
How Frederick Douglass made me a patriot this Fourth of July
If you don't want to be "of the world," be an antiracist
You can’t love one another without being antiracist
Discerning the contents and containers of our faith
Yes, the Bible has errors, and that’s a good thing
How Cornelius shows us the path toward LGBTQIA inclusion
A Gospel that cannot be preached by women is no Gospel at all
What does the New Testament's radical inclusion mean for us today?
Children are our future, it’s time to care about them that way
We aren’t going back, we’re going forward
Derek Chauvin’s verdict was a glimpse of hope, receive it
Why did millennials stop attending church and what can do we about it?
Why Dialogue and Not Doctrine?
How our suffering during the pandemic can grow our faith
Really? Another Holy Week isolated? I need resurrection.
Condemning the racist and sexist killings in Georgia is the easy part
Crossing racial and ethnic bounds is essential for Christianity
Becoming the Beloved of God as a child of immigrants
Peacemaking is about prophecy, not policy
God is always involved in creation; everything before us is a miracle
If you got a very old post from me in your inbox, here's why
“Cancel Culture” is too easy of an explanation for how complex our time is
Bruce Springsteen’s call to unity is a call to repentance
Prophets are filled with hope not cynicism
Maybe our outrage doesn’t have to lead us in 2021
Don’t let the Christian Nationalists steal your faith
It’s a good thing that democracy isn’t what saves us
Soul captures our yearning for meaning, but burdens us with inventing it on our own