Sitemap - 2018 - Contents and Containers
In all her humanity, Mary is a harbinger of revolution
Doubting fundamentalism doesn't mean doubting your faith
Effective missionaries adapt the Gospel, they don’t impose it
A friend asked me: is the New Testament antisemitic?
Changing the subject at the Thanksgiving table
The church needs to be real, not manufactured
There’s a big difference being rebellious and joining a rebellion
Christian need to speak the truth, even when truth appears partisan
Jesus reigns supreme as Lord, and that's Good News for everyone
Like newspapers, Jesus is best known when He is tangible
Being right doesn’t matter if no one believes you
Christians need to be born again.
My relationship with ambition and how God is redeeming it.
We need both prophets and evangelists in our body
Talking about sex may be the best way to unlock its mystery
How I became in touch with my sadness, without giving in to my anger
Letting my tears melt away my shame
Don’t let your cynicism eclipse your idealism
Three of my Necessary Losses and how I grew through them
How do we read the Bible? Together.
We can’t sanitize the church by calling Trump Christians "fake"
Don’t let the flood of bad news drown the Good News
Being of one mind isn’t easy in our polarizing time
Suffering loss is an occupational hazard for a Christian
How will the fall of the American Empire affect the church?
Why I'm not afraid of social media
God loves you because of how God sees you
Why I’m proud to be in a “seeker-sensitive” church and why you should be too
Christians must not lose their prophetic voice in the age of Trump
Should Christians make the world a better place?
The privatization of sex is not an answer to assault; try having sex in community instead
What's the point of sharing your faith in a postmodern world?
Think you can do it alone? I hope you like losing.
The mission of the church is not about butts in seats
How to create a culture without being a colonizer
Trump's leadership is a plague on us all; don't catch it, turn to Jesus.
It’s hard to be a Christian alone, your content needs a container
In defense of the wrath of God in the Old Testament
The institutions are failing us, let's tear them down, and build something new
When you read the Bible, don’t let your brain protect you from your heart
Making pita bread and being a Christian have a lot in common
What Seinfeld taught me about American men's gun, anger, and violence problem
Five ways to enter the season of suffering, Lent.
Corporations won't save you, but they know that compassion sells
Even a polished Trump is anti-Christian
Why I can't call myself an Evangelical anymore
Trump is a loud racist, don’t let him deafen you to your own racism
No need to run away or to dig in; you are free to doubt your doubt
Transformation is what the Bible does; don't use it to oppress people.