Dialogue keeps us connected and protects our gravity. I love that proverb. Our truth is found in relationship, in conversation, in even a tension that’s revealed in dialogue. We’re interested in working together toward commonality and mutuality. I think that learning from each other is more important than winning an argument. I’d rather get along than win, most days. But, to be fair, I am conciliatory to a fault. But just like we say in our proverbs,
The tension of liberation and reconciliation
The tension of liberation and reconciliation
The tension of liberation and reconciliation
Dialogue keeps us connected and protects our gravity. I love that proverb. Our truth is found in relationship, in conversation, in even a tension that’s revealed in dialogue. We’re interested in working together toward commonality and mutuality. I think that learning from each other is more important than winning an argument. I’d rather get along than win, most days. But, to be fair, I am conciliatory to a fault. But just like we say in our proverbs,