Since, it’s made nearly a billion dollars, I think I can keep talking about Star Wars. There’s this great part in the 1977 one where Han Solo starts to question Obi-Wan training Luke in the Force. If you didn’t know, the Force was an energy field that connected all living things in the galaxy. As Obi-Wan says, “It surrounds us and penetrates us; it binds the galaxy together.”
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How we can learn from Han Solo's substitute…
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Since, it’s made nearly a billion dollars, I think I can keep talking about Star Wars. There’s this great part in the 1977 one where Han Solo starts to question Obi-Wan training Luke in the Force. If you didn’t know, the Force was an energy field that connected all living things in the galaxy. As Obi-Wan says, “It surrounds us and penetrates us; it binds the galaxy together.”