Maybe you missed these posts over the summer
On my social-media-less summer, you may have missed some posts. Check 'em out!
The inevitability of influence; my thoughts on our Doing Theology about influence. Is it really possible to avoid being a leader?
Clinging to Jesus when the U.S. bombs Iraq; I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the headline for airstrikes in Iraq. I thought I was reading a ten-year-old paper.
Connected without community, alone without solitude; my review of Sherry Turkle's Alone Together. Is it really possible that smart phones could seriously damage our faith tradition?
Does going to church undo the Gospel?; I wonder about the power of language and how it could undo the work of Jesus on the cross.
Wes Anderson and the power of aesthetic; Wes Anderson's film's seem to be more sizzle than steak, but they are beautiful.
The Brethren in Christ's greatest strength is also their greatest shortcoming; why the BIC's ability to adapt is diluting it.
Why I don't want to lead like Ruben Amaro, Jr.; after the trade deadline, I couldn't believe how irresponsible RAJ was.
Why we could all be a little more like "Weird Al"; the man's new record was inspiring to me, surprisingly.
Israel and Hamas are both wrong, but not all violence is equal; title says it all.
What do I do when my faith doesn't make sense?; how important is rationalism when it comes to our faith?
The problem with essentializing the Brethren in Christ's core values; are any of our core values more important than the others?
Why I liked Justin Lee's Torn; Justin Lee's story mattered most in this book--no real agenda but who he is.
Should I vote?; another FAQ that I tried to answer.
Louie and reconciliation as entertainment; Louie is surprisingly authentic as he makes up with Dane Cook and Marc Maron.
Six thoughts on the Brethren in Christ after our General Conference; I had fun at the GC this year! There was a lot of good and some not-so-good things about it.
What if I'm too depressed or anxious to be in a cell?; good question, if you ask me.
Frank Viola's Pagan Christianity and the obsession with perfection; the author actually commented on this one!
Orange Is The New Black's myth of redemptive violence; love the show and particularly this season, but it had a violent end that put a bitter taste in my mouth.
How important is village parenting?
What I love about the United States; my Independence Day post.
Worship as transcendence; my best reason for worshiping? Overcoming the world.
Why make a speech?; someone asked me this question, actually, so I figured I'd try at an answer.
Church planting lessons from planting a lawn; I had a fun time gardening this summer, here's what I learned.
Fargo and why we like anti-heroes; FX's latest show may have put me over the edge regarding our love of anti-heroes.
Am I racist if I don't like living in my neighborhood?; the transplant's dilemma.
You'll need more than a superstar to win a championship; my reaction to the NBA finals.
What worries American Christians and what should worry them; Christians in the U.S. were more concerned with health care laws than perpetual war--what else is new?
Why you should steer the conversation toward the Lord; why David Bazan makes me a little sick.
Freedom from addiction and the law; everything is permissible, but not everything is beneficial. Coffee may not be a sin, but why get addicted?